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Our Vision

To construct sustainable communities of interdependent, inclusive resident groups, both permanent and transitional, built on principles of equality, cooperative maintenance and operation, environmental sustainability, creative re-use of materials and resources, using existing and advanced technologies and methodologies.

We endeavor to retain, represent and expand the most valuable asset to Portland’s identity;  Our Creative Community.


David Kahl – 971-219-9324


  1. Office and Clerical
  2. Messaging — Campaign Planning, Support/Informational Materials, Marketing and Management
  3. Funding — Campaign Plan and Execution, Grant Writing
  4. Legal — Attorney(s) of Record; review of supporting principles/premises at the foundation of proposed corporate-based programs
  5. Legislation and Political Outreach — Establishing a presence and maintaining advocacy for our proposal.
  6. Academic Outreach and Curriculum — P.S.U. Nonprofit Institute and OHSU, as partners; curriculum development for university-based program, as well as proposed neighborhood school-based arts and crafts
  7. Design and Construction
  8. Property – Procurement and Evaluation
  9. Compliance and Government — Establishing a system of order, compliance, protocols, and recourse

David Kahl – 971-219-9324

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